Teekkarispeksi – Student Musical Theater

Welcome to Teekkarispeksi!

Teekkarispeksi is a colourful theatre association based in Otaniemi, Espoo. The association consists of students and alumni from Aalto University and elsewhere.

Each spring, Teekkarispeksi produces a full-length musical production that is viewed by 2,500 viewers across Finland. This yearly spectacle is created by a production team of more than a hundred people. Included are all music theatre fields from costume designers and stage players to dancers, from light and sound technology to a live orchestra.

Below you can find information on our courses, our ongoing productions and how to apply to be part of the production.

What is Speksi?

Speksi is interactive music theatre where the audience can influence the events on stage. At any point, the audience can shout “Omstart!” and then the actors must replay the scene with a new, improvised twist. Sometimes even the live band and the dancers get spontaneously involved too.

The end result is a fun, touching and surely unique full-length show.

Are you interested in joining us? Teekkarispeksi recruits members into a new production team each autumn from September to late October. We also arrange various courses including dance courses and other spectacular events.

If you wish to become a member of Teekkarispeksi, you can follow the instructions here: https://teekkarispeksi.fi/mukaan-speksiin/jaseneksi/